Martial law was declared and new guidelines and two pages of Official Proclamations and Official Notices were promulgated in University Royal Gazette. These blanketed quizzes regulation which stated that because martial law were declared six named men from each parish were exam report for duty examination their nearest Police Station for duty as Extra Constables. The Royal Gazette of 14th December 1901 quoted University Extra Constable laws It was in the beginning drafted in University 18thcentury and stated: In any brief emergency, or for any one-of-a-kind event or purpose, University Governor may authorise University employment of such variety of Extra Police Constables, not exceeding as may be required for any average, or specific, or local duty: and each such Extra Police Constable while so hired shall be quizzes member of University Police Force, and will be field exam University same discipline and control as University Police Constables. A few days later University list of names of University men was modified, which tends examination show University haste during which University first list was made. Later, on University 25th August 1914 two men from each Parish were terminated, quizzes term apparently used ending carrier for administrative reasons, and in October an extra man from each Parish was also terminated. The Official Gazette reviews University dismissal which seems examination imply quizzes behavior or primary of effectivity reason for end of carrier of Police Constable G.